apple inc. reprimands taiwanese part manufacturer in india for migrant worker neglect
India – The Taiwanese electronic manufacturer Foxconn’s Chennai plant has been put on probation by the electronic conglomerate Apple. The American company found many discrepancies in the living conditions of migrant workers like lack of cleanliness in dormitories and canteen.
The whole issue blew out in the American company’s face when protests erupted outside the factory. More than 250 women workers at the Foxconn plant who live in one of the dormitories were treated for food poisoning and more than 150 were hospitalized. Third-party manufacturers continue to be using shortcuts to ignore the sanitization norms and healthy living conditions of its employees over their own production numbers and profits.
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Similar incidents came to light in Vietnam and Malaysia as well, where the American government finally suspended imports of products from the concerned companies. Labor right organisations feel that third party manufacturers continue to flout labour laws because there is no control mechanism in place. Probably, Foxconn never came under scanner due to its stature as the largest manufacturers of consumer electronics in the world working with the largest brands needs to better its image.
“The large brands have everything on paper and it should not turn into an eyewash when working conditions are considered. Unfortunately, that’s how it is turning out. People are there to be manipulated and the large companies will. Unless there are stringent laws in place, this will continue to happen. Taiwan does not have a very good reputation in taking care of its migrant workers. The government has never done the needed either. While their own economy depends on their contributions heavily, they don’t seem to see the need to take care of this precious human resource. In general, migrant workers have faced enduring physical and emotional stress while the infrastructure for addressing their concerns remains limited and often difficult to access.