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Category: Labour rights

Uzbek cotton is free from child and forced labour

Uzbek cotton is free from child and forced labour

Uzbekistan - A total of two million children have been pulled out of child labour in Uzbekistan’s cotton sector. The reform process that began about seven years ago has also pushed half a million adults

Gig workers in Canada come together to demand employee rights

Gig workers in Canada come together to demand employee rights

Canada - Gig workers in Canada are fed up with the lack of opportunities and rights for them and hence have decided to call out the federal government demanding them for employee rights programs. Two

Thailand: Student Union Protest against condition of labors at Hong Seng Knitting factory

Thailand: Student Union Protest against condition of labors at Hong Seng Knitting factory

Thailand - Students have come out to support the labor workers working in the Hong Seng Knitting factory where Crimson Apparel products are manufactured. The protest was initiated by an affiliate body of the national

Delivery Apps Siphon Minimum Wages Of Runners  

Delivery Apps Siphon Minimum Wages Of Runners  

Canada - Delivery apps are conveniently skipping paying labour laws but not paying runners the minimum wages they deserve to get; an investigation has suggested. Round the clock work also does not earn these boys

Amazon suppliers linked to forced labour in China: Watchdog group

Amazon suppliers linked to forced labour in China: Watchdog group

China - Amazon has continued to work with companies in China accused of using forced labour. Some of Amazon’s third-party sellers are accused of forcing Uyghur labourers from the western Chinese region of Xinjiang to

Trade Union Verdi calls for 2 day strike at 6 Amazon warehouses in Germany

Trade Union Verdi calls for 2 day strike at 6 Amazon warehouses in Germany

Europe - Verdi, one of the largest trade union in Germany has called on employees at six Amazon warehouses across the European country to go on strike on Monday and Tuesday, demanding better working conditions

US: Human Trafficking on rise, labor groups push for reforms to control situation

US: Human Trafficking on rise, labor groups push for reforms to control situation

United States - The United States administration has been making strong claims and promises since the last few months giving assurance to practice labor rights in the nation. The Vice President Kamala Harris was also

Labor rights activists rally for reform farmworker visa program following human trafficking case

Labor rights activists rally for reform farmworker visa program following human trafficking case

United States - Biden administration is getting rallied by a group of labor rights activists as well as civil rights organizations to bring a reform in visa program used by businesses in United States of

US president signs bill to overhaul sexual assault at workplace

US president signs bill to overhaul sexual assault at workplace

United States - On Thursday, United States president Joe Biden signed a bill which concerns with the sexual harassment at work place. This bill emphasizes on freeing victims of sexual harassment and sexual assault especially

Uzbekistan’s cotton sector free from child labour and forced labour: ILO

Uzbekistan’s cotton sector free from child labour and forced labour: ILO

Uzbekistan - has removed the systemic child and forced labour from its cotton industry in 2021. An estimated two million children have been taken out of child labour and half a million adults out of