australian embassy
Last updated on July 23rd, 2021 at 05:37 am
Quality education is not a luxury but a necessity and it is extremely important for people and facilities with power to understand it. Australian embassy is taking steps in this regard and working towards providing quality education to indeingenus kids of Cambodia.
The government of Australia had earlier shown interest in helping children get quality education and living up to its word, the embassy announced that Australia will be helping the ministry of education in Cambodia to sort out the issue of education among ideigenous children.
Australian embassy stated, “In partnership with CARE Cambodia, Australia supported the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MoEYS) to implement a Multilingual Education project in the northern part of Cambodia.” The statement also added that the initiative is aimed at providing quality and inclusive education to the ethnic minorities.
This is the week when Australia celebrates diversity among people and highlights togetherness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The embassy also noted that the Australian government is well known about the diversity in ididgenous people in Cambodia and values it greatly.
They emphasised on how Australia has been contributing in improving access to education while also promoting culture and safeguarding it since the last 20 years. The embassy highlighted that there further efforts planned to make this section of the society confident of facing the majority.
They further stressed that it is extremely important to have confidence in facing society especially when it comes to advocating one’s rights. Luke Arnold, who is positioned as Chargé d’Affaires shared that according to his experience, children were thankful of the program as it helped them learn their mother tongue and handle situations confidently. He added that when he was visiting Cambodian youth in Ratanakiri province, he communicated with them and gathered that they were much more confident speaking about issues that affected their society.
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