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Category: Work life balance

Is America actually a dream location for working expats as it projects itself to be?

Is America actually a dream location for working expats as it projects itself to be?

For most of the population in the world, America is considered to be an icon, a country that sets the standard of living in the world. People want to stay in America because of its

Remote working is the new work-life balance path for employees

Remote working is the new work-life balance path for employees

 As the world is still grappling to control the coronavirus pandemic, working from home has become the new norm. The big firms and employers are taking mental health and overall well-being of their employees a

WLB: Which are the happiest countries to work in?

WLB: Which are the happiest countries to work in?

For Asians, they might not have to go far away to find an ideal atmosphere. As per a survey, Taiwan is the country that topped the list of the happiest countries when it comes to

Work life balance in healthcare professionals: existent or dead

Work life balance in healthcare professionals: existent or dead

Pandemic has changed dynamics of work-life balance across professions and different fields in own way. And the most impacted one are the healthcare professionals. With continuous surge in Covid-19 cases across countries, the pressure on

How was pandemic for female entrepreneurs as they managed work-life balance

How was pandemic for female entrepreneurs as they managed work-life balance

The modern woman is also working on creating her own identity and they play multiple roles throughout their lives. Each role has its expectations attached and women work hard to play all of them well.

Work life “balance” is archaic now, Work life “negotiation” is the new way to go

Work life “balance” is archaic now, Work life “negotiation” is the new way to go

 Over one year into the Covid-19 pandemic and the words like fatigue, exhaustion, work burnout are neither an exaggeration nor something alien. Employees across the world are now experiencing these “occupational; hazards” first hand. When

Hybrid work model the new normal in future

Hybrid work model the new normal in future

 One year into pandemic and people across the countries are working from home. For some it’s a dream come true, but few others are struggling to keep up with the work routine and balance between

Work life balance & mental health: How to strike a balance

Work life balance & mental health: How to strike a balance

The past year has been a whirlwind for everyone across the world due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Though now we have hope rendered by Covid-19 vaccine rollout, we must acknowledge that we are still in

Is work-life balance an end game? It’s rather a journey and a constant cycle!

Is work-life balance an end game? It’s rather a journey and a constant cycle!

It is a well-known fact now that work-life balance is an extremely important part of one’s professional and personal lives for a better quality of life. Despite that a major part of professionals around the

Parents struggle to achieve work-life balance amid COVID-19

Parents struggle to achieve work-life balance amid COVID-19

Parents are finding it difficult to achieve work-life-parenting balance amid the COVID-19 pandemic Between working, running household errands and parenting, the Coronavirus pandemic has significantly altered the lives of millions of people across the world.