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Category: Work life balance

Can Women of Colour Working at Low Wages Maintain Work Life Balance Amid Pandemic?

Can Women of Colour Working at Low Wages Maintain Work Life Balance Amid Pandemic?

United States - People of colour make up almost 33% of all nursing aides and aides for home healthcare. The Latinas and Native American ladies primarily work in low-wage occupations, for example, clerks or customer

Can Work Life Balance Make You Happy?

Can Work Life Balance Make You Happy?

The importance of Work Life Balance cannot be stressed enough for this generation but having said that, priorities of each individual should be the determining argument on deciding your work call. In recent times, many

Work-life Balance Training Program Begins for Women Police Personnel of Chennai in India

Work-life Balance Training Program Begins for Women Police Personnel of Chennai in India

On Friday(Sept-24), Chennai Police Commissioner Shankar Jiwal announced a work-life balance training program for women police personnel of Chennai in Tamil Nadu, India. Women police are a vital part of the police force, practically in

Here’s how you can enjoy work despite it not being your first choice?

Here’s how you can enjoy work despite it not being your first choice?

Work might not be one's life but it surely contributes a lot in one's life. A major part of the day goes into your work, which is partially responsible for your mood throughout the day

Private practice sets an example for others as it offers its doctor opportunity to attain work life balance

Private practice sets an example for others as it offers its doctor opportunity to attain work life balance

The true heroes of the Covid-19 pandemic are undoubtedly the frontline runners, medical professionals--Doctors and the nurses. But for nearly two years, they have not been able to have their time off and manage their

8 ways to achieve Work-life balance in these testing times

8 ways to achieve Work-life balance in these testing times

It has become an increasingly difficult time achieve work-life balance in today’s unpredictable and fast-paced business world. We are living in sad times where we are growing closer through technology and social media and distanced

Scotland to jump on the four-day work week bandwagon

Scotland to jump on the four-day work week bandwagon

Getting back to work mode is going to take some time, partly because of resistance from office workers. Trust me, returning to where we were about 18 months ago seems very unlikely. For many, the

Hybrid work model: How to inspire work life balance

Hybrid work model: How to inspire work life balance

 Ever since the Covid-19 pandemic struck the world, global economies have been through a roller – coaster ride. Lockdowns brought slowed economies and shutting down of many operations. Later the countries bounced back and businesses

Common people not believing in Work Life Balance is not solely their doing… its has to do with politics

Common people not believing in Work Life Balance is not solely their doing… its has to do with politics

Hard work fetching results, working tirelessly at all times and dripping yourself in work has become the new norm for many of the companies. We tend to believe that everything that we are extremely involved

Four day work & work life balance: a new era on dawn

Four day work & work life balance: a new era on dawn

 Lockdowns during pandemic gave employees and employers/ organizations a first taste of working from home and a different stance of work life balance. Keeping ‘Zoom fatigue’ aside, a majority of people share the common view