before jumping into solutions, first reflect on the aspects of your work and life that could be different in order to better align with your priorities
Bingerville -Eric M. Bailey, chief executive of Bailey Strategic Innovation Group mentions that instead of thinking of work and life as opposite weights on a scale, we should think of work as a part of life.
Experts from the industry emphasizes on “work-life, home-life integration”. It is about the integration between us at work and then us at home. It focuses on the idea that every single one of us has a limited amount of resources. Thinking this way can help people to try to figure out what is the best way to allow the elements of our lives to work together so that we’re getting the best out of all of it that we can.
Once you’ve increased your awareness of your current situation, examine how that situation makes you feel. Ask yourself, do I feel energized, fulfilled, satisfied? Or do I feel angry, resentful, sad?
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Also, it is advised to look pause and analyze the situation. Before jumping into solutions, first reflect on the aspects of your work and life that could be different in order to better align with your priorities. Are there components of your job that you would like to see changed? How much time would you like to spend with your family, or on hobbies?
Follow the model of overall wellbeing. It is a multidimensional understanding of the conditions that foster positive work experiences and the ability to be content, and flourish, in the short span only. Recognize the symptoms of burnout, and set boundaries for yourself around work. Try blocking out your time and communicating with others that you need space.
To make real changes in lives, people must continuously remember to pause, connect with their emotions, rethink their priorities, evaluate alternatives, and implement changes throughout their personal and professional lives.