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Category: Work life balance

Pandemic induced work from home brings out big challenges for employees

Pandemic induced work from home brings out big challenges for employees

Coronavirus pandemic has brought unprecedented times across the glob with a major chunk of people working from home. This has caused new set of challenges to outshine for employees. Maintaining balance between work life and

Working mother’s guilt: How to deal with it

Working mother’s guilt: How to deal with it

The current pandemic situation has been hard-hitting for everyone and every age group. But the working mothers have had to feel the brunt most of all. Every working mother is wondering if the next mom

Working Out while Working Online

Working Out while Working Online

Pandemic has brought unprecedented changes to everybody’s lives. We all are stuck at home working and kids studying, each striving hard to balance professional and personal lives. Physical activities have drastically reduced which has led

Key to successful Work-life balance lies in setting controlled boundaries

Key to successful Work-life balance lies in setting controlled boundaries

As the world is grappling with Covid-19 pandemic and workplaces have been shuttered down with work from home being instructed for all employees, the biggest challenge that has hurdled the people is blurred boundaries between

Moms are finding it tough to manage work-life balance amid Covid-19 crisis

Moms are finding it tough to manage work-life balance amid Covid-19 crisis

In the Covid-19 pandemic crisis, the new norm is working from home for parents and attending online classes for children. While facing these unprecedented times, everyone is feeling stress in some form or the other.

Work life balance among Healthcare professionals

Work life balance among Healthcare professionals

Healthcare profession is considered to be one of the noblest and most respected profession across the globe. This respect has increased many-fold during the Covid-19 pandemic crisis as the healthcare workers and professionals are at

Teachers working remotely – How can they maintain work-life balance

Teachers working remotely – How can they maintain work-life balance

Teachers are considered as the most underrated and under-appreciated, yet most strenuous job profiles where striking a balance between work and personal life is hard to achieve. Teaching is one profession where one can see

COVID-19 calls for shift in operational and leadership approach

COVID-19 calls for shift in operational and leadership approach

COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way people work these days as many are struggling to maintain a balance between their professional and personal lives while working remotely from their homes. Noticeably, the unprecedented work-from-home culture

Work life balance and Covid-19 – A bitter sweet relationship

Work life balance and Covid-19 – A bitter sweet relationship

The global shift of working environment during Covid-19 pandemic has led to drastic need of adapting to remote work culture. As a ripple effect the employers and employees are understanding the real importance of striking

A thin line between work and life seems blurred during pandemic with endless working hours

A thin line between work and life seems blurred during pandemic with endless working hours

As the working from home is new normal now, for an unforeseen amount of future, the craze and excitement about staying at home seems to fade away. The employers have started to realize that “working