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Category: Work life balance

5 Best Mental Health Apps For 2022

5 Best Mental Health Apps For 2022

Most people are aware that they may improve their physical health by exercising, eating well, sleeping well, and being hydrated. On the other hand, paying attention to one's mental health is not as common as

5 Best Client Gift Ideas To Impress Your Clients In 2022

5 Best Client Gift Ideas To Impress Your Clients In 2022

Client presents are more than simply a nice gesture to ponder at the end of the year. Rather, delivering presents to your clients demonstrates that you value their business and are willing to respect them.

CEOs share their work-life balance secrets and tips

CEOs share their work-life balance secrets and tips

In a world of 24/7 digital, social, and professional demand, many people struggle to find work-life balance. That shouldn't stop you from attempting to alleviate the stress brought on by competing work and home priorities.

7 Best Data Security Tips For Work From Home in 2022

7 Best Data Security Tips For Work From Home in 2022

Working remotely has numerous benefits, but it also puts your company's data security and confidentiality at risk. We've put together a data security essentials checklist for employees who work from home (WFH). Follow these 7

Work-Life Balance Is a Cycle, Not an Achievement

Work-Life Balance Is a Cycle, Not an Achievement

Despite overwhelming evidence that working long hours is bad to both individuals and employers, many professionals continue to struggle to alter their preconceived notions — and deeply set habits — about work hours. What does

What Does Work-Life Balance Means For Millennials?

What Does Work-Life Balance Means For Millennials?

Millennials want a lot of things at work. A healthy work-life balance is important for them. However, what do they really want from their work? There are some major goals of millennials for maintaining a

The 10 Tips for Mastering Time Management at Work

The 10 Tips for Mastering Time Management at Work

The time is the same for everyone, but some people manage to meet all the personal and professional demands, while others do not. And the difference is in how each one manages time at work.

Mental Health Awareness Month – May 2022

Mental Health Awareness Month – May 2022

United States - May is Mental Health Awareness Month, millions of Americans face the stark reality of living with mental illness. The main objective of Mental Health Awareness Month - May 2022 is to let

7 Reasons Why Work-Life Balance Is Important For Everyone

7 Reasons Why Work-Life Balance Is Important For Everyone

A healthy work-life balance is important for everyone. Perfect work-life balance allows you to take casual leaves and the opportunity to work from home. Today, we present to you the 7 reasons to know the

5 Indian Companies Offer Menstrual Leaves For Their Employees

5 Indian Companies Offer Menstrual Leaves For Their Employees

India - Thanks to our society which is now considering the importance & sensitivity of females’ periods & menstrual issues! However the picture hasn’t changed completely. But still there are many organizations who offer menstrual