Child trafficking and forced labor to work in tobacco fields: Malawi

malawi child trafficking and forced labour push thousands to work on tobacco farms

malawi child trafficking and forced labour push thousands to work on tobacco farms

On Wednesday, 13 independent human rights experts appointed by the United Nations said the government and tobacco companies stand for human rights protection.

Experts said that this is something that needs to be of serious concern as this king of forced labor and trafficking is highly risky and a question mark for human rights. All countries that produce tobacco need to crack down on companies that protect trafficking and child labor. Experts have communicated with tobacco industry companies in Malawi. He also held talks with British American Tobacco, Imperial, Philip Morris International, and Japan Tobacco Group.

Experts said that more than 3000 children are being affected by this vital work and more than 7000 adults have been exposed to this trafficking and forced labor recently.

Children are stuck, in Malawi

The major fact is that farms of tobacco are located usually in remote areas where the least access is possible. This is the reason, why companies can regulate work and easily destroy labor rights through child labor & trafficking. 

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UN also stated that this isolated structure of tobacco farms is big protection for companies and this is the major factor by which they are easily destroying child labor and human rights.

As per a report, more than 400,00 fellows never joined back to school after COVID.

They all remain on farms; they had not returned from there after the pandemic- Experts added.

They acknowledged that efforts by the government and some tobacco companies such as school feeding programs and scholarships are not just enough.

UN lights the Women

UN experts also threw light on the bad condition of women. In rural areas men become the head of households, women are facing abuse and torcher, and inequality on a big level. Simply they said- Women works but all are invisible.

Experts said it’s the time when strong action should be taken. To prevent human rights monitoring, enforcement, and business accountability should implement.

The experts also talk about the importance of workers’ organization and the role of civil societies too. These are important for a better environment for children, labor, and women.

UN experts said, that improving transparency, reporting, and human rights due diligence in the tobacco supply chain is needed Guarantee.

Overall experts of the UN raise all the voices about the equality of women, and to stop child labor in tobacco farms.

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With over more than 6 years of writing obituaries for the local paper, Senior Reporter has a uniquely strong voice that shines through in his newest collection of essays and articles, which explores the importance we place on the legacy.

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