Nagarpuh: might justice be done


After the assassination of around 20 people in the locality of Ngarbuh in Cameroun on February 14, the Head of State had ordered the opening of an investigation.

This commission of inquiry chaired by the Minister delegate to the Presidency in charge of Defense had the mandate to shed light on the killing of the civilian populations of this locality located in the North West region hit by the secessionist crisis since almost 4 years.

It was by a press release made public signed by the Secretary General of the CNDHL on March 25 that the news came. We learn that the results of the investigation into the Ngarbuh tragedy are available. The president of the CNDHL said he was honored to have participated in this commission of inquiry. At the end of the process, the CNDHL hopes that the results of the investigations carried out during this investigation will be published and that the perpetrators of known human rights violations be brought before the competent courts.

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Admin at WorkersRights, dedicated to elevating the voices of the vulnerable, shedding light on human rights, labor issues, and the pursuit of a fair work-life balance worldwide.

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