Why leaders are looking for ’emotional intelligence’

why leaders are looking for 'emotional intelligence'

why leaders are looking for ’emotional intelligence’

Global Workers are taught to tout technical skills and personal accomplishments on their resumes and discuss them in job interviews. However, to achieve success at work, whether in person or as part of a team, a completely different set of skills comes to the fore.

Leaders are increasingly looking for “emotional intelligence,” also known as “EQ.” This range of competencies includes our ability to understand and manage our own feelings and those of others, and then use that knowledge to create positive, productive relationships.

In general, working with emotional intelligence can mean taking a different approach—rather than putting our heads down and prioritizing to-do lists or productivity goals, it means putting human relationships and our own and other people’s feelings first. It can be a difficult mindset shift, but the benefits can be significant, boosting morale, productivity, well-being and personal impact — all qualities that employers are demanding now more than ever.

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What is emotional intelligence?

Traditionally, workers have been expected to keep their feelings in check in the workplace, although this may not be a very realistic expectation.

Recognizing this, Yale University psychologists Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer developed the theory of emotional intelligence (EI) in 1990. understanding and managing relationships.

The first two qualities relate to personality, namely the ability to understand and manage their own emotions. For example, a self-aware worker may recognize that whenever a meeting drags on, it causes him irritation and stress. If this person is also capable of self-regulation, he will control his behavior when these negative feelings arise, rather than express annoyance that may offend colleagues or damage his own reputation.

How to develop emotional intelligence

The good news is that emotional intelligence is not a trait that some are born with and others are not.

Once you better understand your own emotions during the workday, managing them can become easier. In moments of intense emotion, he says, “don’t forget to breathe, remember that you don’t have to react immediately, and take your time in this situation to deal with yourself.”

About Wiz Writer

Wiz writer is a regular contributor to the workers' rights. Blogger, writer, strategist, and Passionate about making a dent in the digital universe.

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