Trinidad and Tobago: MOL Said Child Labour Has Hugely Surged Amid the Pandemic

child labour on the rise amid the pandemic

child labour on the rise amid the pandemic

Caribbean CaribbeanTrinidad and Tobago’s Ministry of Labour expressed concerns over the rise in child labour. Significantly the pandemic surge has impacted or worsened the situation much further. 

While somewhat limited when contrasted with worldwide statistics, the Labor Inspectorate Unit of the Ministry of Labor has observed that revealed instances of child labour expanded from three in the year 2019 to five in 2020 and six this year. 

Because of the coronavirus outbreak, the public authority had adopted measures to control the spread of the virus. This brought about the shutting of schools, utilizing the alternative of online classes, the closing of many businesses and factories, the deficiency of occupations that affected the income of millions of people.

The Ministry of Labor announced that in light of the economic effect triggered by the Covid-19, some poor, vulnerable families had to include their children to earn money for survival.

In 2014, Trinidad and Tobago put forth a moderate progression to dispose of their nation’s most exceedingly awful child labour situation. The Government marked the Declaration of the Regional Initiative: Latin America and the Caribbean Free of Child Labor, which remembers Trinidad and Tobago’s interest in the regional cooperation to eliminate child labour.

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As per the recent report by International Labor Organization (ILO) and UNICEF, Millions of kids risk being driven into labour because of the pandemic aftermath, which could prompt the first rise in child labour following 20 years of development. 

According to the UN report, employers might exploit children, making them work for extra hours in low wages and poor health and safety conditions. A more significant amount of them might be constrained into the most exceedingly awful types of work, which could harm their well-being and security.

According to the MOL, many kids don’t even have the facility of internet or gadgets to join the online classes, which might have driven a portion of those kids into the labour field. 

The pandemic can expand these kids’ situation who couldn’t continue their schooling in recent months. They may ultimately drop out of the education system if the problem remains the same.

Child labour has been identified to appear mostly in rural regions within the informal sector, and identifying it has been very challenging to eliminate due to social and cultural factors, the Trinidad and Tobago MOL expressed.

About WR News Writer

WR News Writer is an engineer turned professionally trained writer who has a strong voice in her writing. She speaks on issues of migrant workers, human rights, and more.

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