How Qatar uses Human Rights Organizations.

(C)Human Rights Watch

Qatar money continues to play a suspicious role in supporting “human rights” organizations, to put pressure on Arab and Gulf states, while violating many human and workers’ rights.

Qatar increased its provision of these funds giving to NGOs and human rights organizations especially after being boycotted by many Arab countries, because of its support for armed terrorist groups.

Salman Al-Ansari, Saudi-American Public Relations Committees’ founder and chairman, accused the human rights organization saying that their decisions are not objective, but controlled by Qatari money.

Al-Ansari said in an interview that the human rights organization has been highly politicized and spread inaccurate information from unknown sources.

Many newspapers published a list of human rights organizations that Qatar purchased, and turned it into a compass to achieve Qatar’s political goals against the Arab countries. Since 2011.

Qatar has also established 3 regional human rights training centers to achieve suspicious goals, including the Yemen Center run by the Information and Qualification Center for Human Rights, the Bahrain Center run by the Bahrain Center for Human Rights, and in Lebanon run by the Bahrain Forum for Human Rights.

Qatari polarization operations included using human rights files to worsen relations between states and international organizations, using them to pressure states, and worsening their conditions with Human Rights Council and the High Human Rights’ Commission and harnessing them to achieve Qatar’s goals and objectives

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Admin at WorkersRights, dedicated to elevating the voices of the vulnerable, shedding light on human rights, labor issues, and the pursuit of a fair work-life balance worldwide.

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