British Embassy in Bucharest invites applications to support climate change projects


The British Embassy in Bucharest announced that it was accepting project proposals related to climate change.

The British Embassy in Bucharest announced that it was accepting project proposals related to climate change. The Embassy launched this new initiative linked to resolving climate crisis,  as it was part of UK’s key priorities. With respect to the budget and deadline, the British Embassy declared that its maximum budget limit was RON48,571 (£8,951) and the project’s activities should be completed by 15th March 2021.

The Embassy specified that it was open to promote environmentally conscious projects like clean growth, green finance and nature-based solutions to help adaptation, build resilience and support efforts to raise public awareness about climate change. It emphasised that a project should be able to reflect the impact of climate change on economy and society. It highlighted that the focus of the program was to explore renewable energy, restore natural habitats and ecosystems and prepare communities for natural disasters.

It added that the project proposals should contain a clear outline of its targets and should be able to measure its results, through events, reports, response and impact. The last for submission of applications is 26th November 2020. Last week, the country entered an climate agreement with Morocco to bring ‘real world change’ to world of the global climate crisis. British Ambassador to Morocco Simon Martin said, “We are proud, as COP26 President and as [a] close partner, to be working together with Morocco to deliver real world change.”

About Aparajita Das

Aparajita loves to share Political-based niche news articles. She is a passionate writer learning about the history of all the regions.

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