Shoemaker Teaches New Skills to People of Burkina Faso ‘To Stay’

shoemaker teaches new skills to people of burkina faso ‘to stay’

shoemaker teaches new skills to people of burkina faso ‘to stay’

Burkina Faso has been plagued with political and humanitarian crises for years, driving youths to move out of the country to give their families and communities a food to eat. The West Africa country is also vulnerable to climate change. As such, the people are struggling to make ends meet. 

Gianluigi Mignogna, an Italian shoemaker, is teaching skills to the people of Burkina Faso in an effort to help them find successful work and stay in their own country rather than move to Europe for jobs. He is part of a project called “Leather and Hide”. Mignogna spent two weeks working in the African country and trained 35 people with leather. 

The artisan says he also learned a lot and got a better understanding as to why the youth of Burkina Faso leave their homes and go to countries in Europe, like Italy. Mignogna highlighted that the struggle is real. Buying a handful of rice is a challenge and desperate people leave on boats. They leave their country because they have nothing. 

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No Food in Burkina Faso

The small-town shoemaker said the people would prefer to stay back in Burkina Faso with their families and loved ones, but there is no food. And those who move out are able to do so with the help of their community. They get together, raise funds and send the young people to Europe. And whatever money the people send back home is for the entire community. 

According to Relief Web, more than 800,000 individuals across Burkina Faso live under blockade with limited or no access to basic necessities. This has led to an unprecedented food crisis. About 2.2 million people in Burkina Faso are suffering from hunger, with 650,000 people facing extreme hunger.

Organizations and international aid groups say the country is severely underfunded. The people of Burkina Faso are also deprived of essential health services. 

Skills Training for People of Burkina Faso

Mignogna is trying to make a difference for the people of Burkina Faso by imparting skills that can improve their lives. He explained the project’s objective is to create a cooperative that will produce goods that can be exported worldwide. The artisan has trained 35 people, who can now impart the knowledge to others. 

Mignogna hopes to continue with the project and help change lives for the good.

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With over more than 6 years of writing obituaries for the local paper, Senior Reporter has a uniquely strong voice that shines through in his newest collection of essays and articles, which explores the importance we place on the legacy.

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