How feasible is work from home in the long run?

A man is working hard from home

One such major change has been employees working from home which has become imperatively the new normal

Last updated on June 20th, 2020 at 05:26 pm

Consistent phases of lockdown as a result of Covid-19 pandemic have led to unprecedented time with change in pace and style for everyone. One such major change has been employees working from home which has become imperatively the new normal, and it is here to stay at least for a while now.

But how feasible is it for an extended time frame?

Not attractive for certain sectors

While some job profiles allow the privilege to work from home without affecting quality of work, some face hurdles in doing so. An extended working from home for these employees can affect the quality of work, directly hampering the work-life balance they strive to achieve.

On the contrary, as the lockdowns lift and pandemic is behind us, some job profiles can still continue to stay at home and work.

Working from home for extended time – how attractive is it?

Working from home might feel a luxury for now, but in a long run it is going to have a slide run of its own. Working parents are the majority group of people that would be affected by it, though not in a pleasant way. With kids around the amount of work that can be done on work front seriously gets compromised. Not to mention the guilt trip parents often take while the kids sit in front of the ‘idiot box’ for hours together. For them an extended work from home might not be an attractive prospect.

Logistics in question

A family with two kids who have online classes and working parents, but just one laptop. Who is going to get priority for the device usage? This can be a real time problem in long run.

Another issue is the balance in work and personal life. With unclear time boundaries and overlapping routines, the respect for personal space can be a big challenge. This can transcend into slow building frustration and lower performance in work.

Flexibility and Insecurity – two sides of the same coin

Though flexibility that work from home offers can be attractive, it also leads to vulnerability and insecurity on the job front. Unemployment is a looming question that can make anyone vulnerable.

In the act of balancing work and personal life while working from home, the conversation definitely sways away from the extended work from home probability. In long run it can be both taxing and agitating, debilitating the work life balance context.

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About Dr. Neha Mathur

Join Dr. Neha Mathur on a journey of compassion and expertise as she navigates the intricate landscape of human rights and workers' welfare.

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