DIA Kept Out Five Banks From the Deposit Insurance System

dia kept out five banks from the deposit insurance system

DIA Kept Out Five Banks From the Deposit Insurance System

Sarovbiznes bank, Otkritie, Rosbank, Prioritet and First Deposit banks are the five credit institutions which are excluded from the Deposit Insurance System by the Deposit Insurance Agency. 

“Rosbank has been excluded from the register of banks participating in the deposit insurance system (DIS) in connection with the entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of a record of the termination of its activities through reorganisation in the form of a merger” stated in the statement of DIA

“The legal successor of the legal entity that ceased operations is the joint-stock company T-Bank” added the statement

Whereas, the activities of Sarovbiznes bank and Otkritie have been terminated through reorganization and merger with BM-Bank. 

Sarovbiznes bank – Specialized in lending and settlement and cash services to legal entities and individuals.(Nizhny Novgorod Region)

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Otkritie – A universal bank specialised in comprehensive servicing of corporate & retail clients. Provide banking services for SMEs. (Moscow)

Rosbank – An important universal bank specialised in lending to large businesses and RCO of all categories. (Moscow)

“Two more banks, priority and first deposit have been excluded from the deposit insurance system as a result of their liquidation” underscored in the article of banks.ru

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