North Korea Defectors Live in Constant Fear of Deportation, Vulnerable to Human Trafficking

north korea defectors live in constant fear of deportation, vulnerable to human trafficking

north korea defectors live in constant fear of deportation, vulnerable to human trafficking

The journey of North Korean defectors to South Korea represents a desperate bid for freedom, but the challenges they face upon arrival paint a grim picture of the ongoing struggle for survival. Fleeing their homeland is a perilous endeavor, fraught with dangers at every turn. 

To escape the oppressive regime, many opt for an arduous journey through China before ultimately reaching South Korea. This clandestine route is the only viable option for those who seek to escape the clutches of the authoritarian government. 

The defectors often fall prey to ruthless human traffickers who exploit their vulnerability. These criminals promise a safe passage to South Korea but deliver them into the hands of Chinese authorities who collaborate with North Korea to apprehend and deport them back to their homeland. 

China has been criticized time and again for the slavery-like conditions of many North Koreans in the country. Sources say when Beijing catches North Koreans headed for the South, they are treated as illegal migrants and sent back to North for punishment.  The Chinese government uses surveillance technology to catch people on the run or foreigners staying in the country without authorization. The fear of betrayal is a constant companion for these escapees, adding an element of danger to every step they take towards freedom. 

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Women and children are targeted. They are exposed to a myriad of dangers, including sexual violence, exploitation, and forced marriages. Many women who escape North Korea find themselves trapped in the shadows, working in the illicit sex trade, unable to break free from the clutches of human traffickers. They also fall victim to forced marriages with Chinese men. In China, they find themselves isolated and subjected to a life of servitude, stripped of their freedom and basic human rights. If caught, they face the risk of deportation. 

South Korea, for the defectors, is a glimmer of hope and a chance to build a better life. However, the dream of a secure and prosperous future often collides with the harsh reality of living as an outsider. They face immense challenges in assimilating into South Korean society, which differs greatly from the isolated world they left behind.

About Senior Reporter

With over more than 6 years of writing obituaries for the local paper, Senior Reporter has a uniquely strong voice that shines through in his newest collection of essays and articles, which explores the importance we place on the legacy.

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