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Category: Migrant workers

Migrant Sexual Violence Crisis at the Mexico-US Border: A Grave Humanitarian Issue

Migrant Sexual Violence Crisis at the Mexico-US Border: A Grave Humanitarian Issue

A horrifying increase in sexual assaults against migrants trying to enter the US has been reported along the US-Mexico border. There has been a  disquieting rise in criminal activity, particularly sexual assaults, in the cities

Anti-Migration Sentiment Runs High in Slovakia Elections

Anti-Migration Sentiment Runs High in Slovakia Elections

With Europe already struggling to overcome the migrant crisis, local politicians in central European countries like Poland and Slovakia are luring voters with anti-migration sentiment. The politicians are playing the migrant card for a last-minute

Shoemaker Teaches New Skills to People of Burkina Faso ‘To Stay’

Shoemaker Teaches New Skills to People of Burkina Faso ‘To Stay’

Burkina Faso has been plagued with political and humanitarian crises for years, driving youths to move out of the country to give their families and communities a food to eat. The West Africa country is

Enhancing Protection and Placement: Indonesian Migrant Workers in Focus

Enhancing Protection and Placement: Indonesian Migrant Workers in Focus

The government has serious concerns about how to safeguard and efficiently place Indonesian migrant workers. Ida Fauziyah, the minister of labor, has emphasized the importance of coordinated efforts from numerous ministries and agencies to enhance

No Hotel, No Work Permit: New Flyers Keep Migrants Away from New York

No Hotel, No Work Permit: New Flyers Keep Migrants Away from New York

New York City is attempting to discourage migrants from coming to the Big Apple through new flyers highlighting “cannot help you obtain a work permit”. Available in English and Spanish language, the flyers warn that

Greece’s Bold Move: Regularizing Migrants to Address Labor Shortages

Greece’s Bold Move: Regularizing Migrants to Address Labor Shortages

Due to acute labor shortages, Greece is experiencing a significant labor crunch across a number of industries, including agriculture, construction, and tourism. To address this issue, the Greek government is planning a major regularization programme

Is the UN Refugee Convention ‘Fit’ for Our Modern Age?

Is the UN Refugee Convention ‘Fit’ for Our Modern Age?

With Europe and the United States struggling to deal with the surging waves of migrants, questions are being raised about the UN Refugee Convention. UK’s interior minister Suella Braverman asked whether the Refugee Convention and

Desperate Syrians Pay €7,000 to be Smuggled into Germany

Desperate Syrians Pay €7,000 to be Smuggled into Germany

Millions of Syrians have fled to Europe over the years because of the ongoing war in Syria that has destroyed their houses and families. And thousands more continue to look for ways to get to

Will Deporting Migrants Solve the US and Mexico Border Crisis?

Will Deporting Migrants Solve the US and Mexico Border Crisis?

The US has signed on Mexico to help tackle the surge in illegal migrants by deporting them to their home countries. The Biden administration has noted a surge in border crossings across the Southwest. Last

Mexico Stops Migrants from Freight Train Hopping With Checkpoints

Mexico Stops Migrants from Freight Train Hopping With Checkpoints

After suspending 60 freight trains running to prevent serious injuries and death to thousands of desperate migrants, Mexico will set up checkpoints. Mexican authorities say they have a crisis-like situation as thousands of migrants make