Germany’s Secret Deportation Deal With Iraq Is Harmful For Migrants

germany's secret deportation deal with iraq is harmful for migrants

germany’s secret deportation deal with iraq is harmful for migrants

On 20 December, European Union countries struck a key migration deal to overhaul their joint migration system. The agreement covers major pieces of EU legislation relating to migration and data collection. The migration pact can be ineffective and abusive. It can be dangerous for migrants and refugees. 

Countries across the European Union are changing their tactics to deal with the migrant crisis. The EU’s migration pact makes it easier to deport failed asylum seekers and limit entry of migrants into Europe.

According to an investigation, Germany is seeking partnerships with other countries to make deportations much easier. An investigation led by the German public broadcasters NDR, WDR and the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper has revealed that Germany secretly reached a deportation agreement with the government of Iraq.

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Germany’s secret deportation deal with Iraq is harmful for migrants

The German government has secretly reached a deportation deal with the government of Iraq to control migration flows. The two countries have been talking for months. 

According to the investigation, the agreement has already been in place and functional. Migrant deportations to Iraq have been increasing in recent months. 

Why did Germany strike the latest migration deal behind closed doors? Are deportations to Iraq safe? Are migrants safe in Iraq?

Iraqis in Germany 

According to official data, there were about 26,000 Iraqis in Germany, as of October 2023. Iraqis were asked to leave the country, according to Germany’s Federal Ministry of the Interior. However, out of 26,000 Iraqis, only 77 people were deported directly to Iraq.

Iraqis managed to remain in Germany under the provisions of the tolerance permit (“Duldung”). It is issued for individuals who are, in principle, obliged to leave the country. However, they will have access to only a few benefits in Germany and often are not allowed to work.

Many people under Duldung permits spent years or even over a decade in Germany. The government is now focusing on lowering migration rates.

Under the agreement, Iraq and Germany agreed to promote voluntary return programs for Iraqis without a residence permit in Germany.

Iraq will accept all its citizens, including minorities like the Yazidis. However, forced deportation of migrants can be harmful. A person has the right to decide where to reside. 

Meanwhile, the EU’s migration pact would make it harder for asylum seekers and migrants to move on from the countries they arrive in, which is the denial of the right to asylum.

About Wiz Writer

Wiz writer is a regular contributor to the workers' rights. Blogger, writer, strategist, and Passionate about making a dent in the digital universe.

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