10 Countries Where It’s Easy to Get a Work Visa

countries where it’s easy to get a work visa

countries where it’s easy to get a work visa

Last updated on September 25th, 2023 at 04:11 pm

If you’re planning to work while you travel, you will need to secure a visa. Today, we provide you with a list of 10 countries where it’s easy to get a work visa.

10 countries where it’s easy to get a work visa


You can easily get a temporary work visa in Canada. It provides several working visa options. Canada also offers a postgraduate visa for international students who want to work in the country after their studies are over.

New Zealand

New Zealand also provides several working visa programs. You can stay in New Zealand with a working holiday visa for up to 12 months. There are more than 80 categories of visas that New Zealand offers to its visitors.

The Netherlands

The Netherlands offers a one-year residency for foreigners to start a business. After your one-year residency visa expires, you can apply for a self-employment visa or a regular residency visa to work in the country.


Australia provides several working visa programs as there are so many visa options available. You can qualify for at least one visa. Australia also offers working holiday visas to Americans aged 18-30 years old for a period of up to 12 months.


Cambodia is the easiest country to get a work visa. You can get a business visa easily. You just need to apply for a work permit to legally work in Cambodia. EB Visa is the most common option for foreign workers working in Cambodia.

South Korea

If your native language is English, you can easily get a work visa in South Korea. English teachers get the E2 teaching visa and are paid well in South Korea. You can move to South Korea and teach English with only a bachelor’s degree.


You can easily get a work visa in Ireland via a working holiday visa. You can stay and work in Ireland with a working holiday visa for up to 12 months. There is also no age restriction for those applying for a visa to work in Ireland.


Singapore offers work visas for up to six months. There are different kinds of working visas in the country. Singapore offers a working holiday visa to students and recent graduates.


Germany offers an “artist visa” that lets freelancers establish residency in the country. It also offers visas to recent graduates. Germany is focused on bringing in more immigrants to fill in the labour market.

Czech Republic

There are lots of jobs available to foreigners in the Czech Republic. It also offers a great opportunity for freelancers. You can get a visa if you secure a job before entering the country. Subsequently, you can apply for a long-term visa called the “Zivno visa” based on a trade license.

These are the 10 countries where you can easily get a work visa. Which is your favourite country? 

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