Poverty, Oppression, and Violence: The Triple Threat Facing Syrian Women

syrian women

Poverty, Oppression, and Violence: The Triple Threat Facing Syrian Women

“The fight for women’s rights in the Middle East has been waged for generations – their voices have been silenced, their freedoms curtailed, yet their resilience remains intact.” This is very true when is look into the history, of how over time dictatorships and Islamist regimes hit on women’s rights in the Middle East. The recent example is what’s going on in Syria. 

As reported by The Conversation, “Syrian women have been pillars of their communities during 13 years of war, yet have been systematically excluded from peace negotiations. As mandated by United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325…”

The Syrian women played a strong role during 13 years of long civil war, and they act as the backbone of the family now, After the fall of the government of Bashar al-Assad in Syria Syrian women in areas controlled by Abu Mohammad al-Jolani’s Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) are experiencing heightened oppression and poverty. HTS has imposed strict regulations on women’s dress, mobility, and public roles, severely limiting their freedoms and basic human rights. 

After Afghanistan, Iran, and Iraq, now Syrian women are losing their hope in danger!

The world witnessed how the Taliban government has taken over Afghanistan and how the Sharia law destroyed women. We witnessed how brutally women’s rights have been suppressed in countries like Afghanistan, Iran, and Iraq during political transitions.

Women in Syria face harsh restrictions on their daily lives under the rule of al-Jolani. Women in Syria face serious situations like restricted freedom, fewer opportunities, increased violence, and poor access to healthcare. Because of sexual discrimination, they face trouble in taking part in societal debates, the economy, and politics, and they are often left out of peace talks.

According to the reports poverty rates are higher in women, and refugee camps mostly measure a larger number of women than men – this indicates displacement rate is higher in women. Reports of gender-based violence, including physical and sexual harassment are terrible in the nation of Syria. 

Strict dress codes and limits on movement have made it hard for them to work, learn, or take part in public life. With fewer education opportunities, many women are unable to voice their concerns or fight for their rights.

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What Is the Stand of Global Organisations and Human Rights Advocates?

Though the leader al-Jolani is claiming to promote diversity but the situation for women under his HTS is not in the right direction. Most of the global women’s rights and human rights organizations have stayed silent. This is raising doubts about commitment to standing up for Syrian women during this tough time.

After the formation of a new government in Syria, the new government HTS is governing in Syria but there are doubts about the nation’s security and development. Global human rights advocates and organizations are keeping an eye on this government. HTS follows a rigid Islamic agenda, and some links indicate its ties with al-Qaeda, these are threats to the region.

Now women in Syria is struggling under HTS rule which must be addressed by the global community urgently. The radical laws and ideologies of HTS are suppressing, and threatening women. These radical Islamic laws are destroying hopes for a fair and inclusive future in Syria. Syria is creating new hopes to reestablish itself and bring peace to the region. The people of Syria are hoping for an environment that can fulfill the Asian needs of food, water, shelter, and quality education. So, working together, and giving equal opportunity to women is important for national interest. The international community and liberal feminists should keep an eye on the development in Syria to save the future! 

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