It is almost universal to feel sleepy after lunch during a working day. The energy levels attained are high enough that such post-meal sleepiness can severely hamper productivity and concentration during the rest of the afternoon. Also referred to as post-meal sleep, this is often characterized by dozing off or difficulty concentrating post-lunch. Knowing the causes and applying the proper countermeasures will allow you to not only remain awake but maintain one’s productivity during the afternoon hours. In this article, there are ten effective strategies to fight sleepiness after lunch and learn more about the science behind this drop in energy levels.
The Science Behind Post-Lunch Sleepiness:
One of the common effects of lunch is that it affects sleep in individuals mainly due to biological and diet-induced causes. Subcutaneous cholesterol levels rise during digestion as blood flow to the digestive system increases with a meal. This reduces blood flow to other organs and body parts, for instance, the brain, which in turn leads to a temporary reduction in brain capacity. Furthermore, the secretion of insulin after a meal also stimulates the formation of serotonin and melatonin which ultimately help in controlling sleeping in the human body. Having many meals per day, especially carbohydrate-rich meals, can lead to a higher glycemic index and therefore a decrease in blood sugar levels.
10 Tips to Overcome Post-Lunch Sleepiness:
1. Opt for a lighter lunch
Have a wholesome meal which should consist of healthy protein sources, grains, and green vegetables. By excluding fatty foods which are high in calories and need more metabolism, one is likely to experience a lethargic feeling.
2. Stay hydrated
Other related effects include fatigue where one does not have the energy to engage in any activities due to lack of water in their body. Have a water bottle and drink water frequently rather than drinking a lot at once during the day. One should ensure that they take not less than 8 glasses of water daily to enhance much water intake and energy levels.
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3. Take a short walk
After lunch, take a 10-15-minute walk. Light exercise also helps in circulation, increases oxygen to the head, and creates some endorphins to make you or me more alert.
4. Practice deep breathing exercises
One can just take 5 – 10 minutes and include a deep breathing session whilst seated at your desk. This leads to more oxygen in the body, balances the parasympathetic nerves, and might make one feel alert from drowsiness.
5. Subject yourself to natural light.
If possible walk for a bit or sit outside or near a window after having lunch. Light from the sun is key in setting the body’s circadian rhythm and is also wake-promoting because it inhibits the secretion of melatonin.
6. Have a power nap
At the workplace, if it is permissible, one should take a nap, it should not exceed half an hour though the optimum duration should be 10 to 20 minutes. This may serve to clear your mind without going to the state of sleep and that could make you wake up feeling more than dull.
7. Snack on energy-boosting foods
It is also good to have energizing foods such as nuts, fruits, or yogurt by your side when working. These secrete energy slowly and persisting into the afternoon, and are also ideal in preventing the formulation of sugar rushes.
8. Use aromatherapy
Citrus oils such as peppermint, lemon, and rosemary are among the oils that can give you energizing experiences. Inhale the scent using your hands or better yet, use a diffuser to make it easier and swift and to lift your senses to be more awake.
9. Engage in mental stimulation
Perform complex duties or indulge in vigorous thinking tasks after lunch. According to one of the studies, lack of interest is likely to be counteracted by mental arousal because stimulation of the mind wards off sleep.
10. Adjust your posture
Part of body language is how you sit at your workplace, for that, keep a good posture at your desk. Sitting up in the correct position helps in the supply of blood and oxygen to the brain so this gets rid of tiredness and brings focus.