Women priests’ rights; Will Catholic Church open doors to them?

women priests' rights; will catholic church open doors to them

women priests’ rights; will catholic church open doors to them

Will women take leadership roles in the Catholic Church? Will the Catholic Church open doors to them? What are women priests’ rights in the Vatican City State? 

Pope Francis the head of the Catholic Church, the bishop of Rome and sovereign of the Vatican City State conducted a vital meeting on Wednesday. Subsequently, people expressed hope that women would be included in the Catholic Church. However, conservatives warned that inclusion of women can affect the Church.

What did Pope Francis say?

Pope Francis held a meeting in St Peter’s Square in Vatican City. During the meeting, he highlighted the need of making the Church a place of welcome for “everyone.The meeting was called synod. 

Reportedly, contentious topics were discussed at the meeting. The three-week General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops attracted bishops from around the world. 

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Discussion on women priests’ rights

The bishops discussed a variety of topics, including whether priests should be allowed to get married and have kids, whether divorced and remarried Catholics should receive communion, whether women should be allowed to become priests and take the leadership roles in the Catholic Church and how can the church handle matters around the LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning persons) community.

Women allowed to vote

This year’s synod meeting is historic. For the first time, women were allowed to vote. Women and laypeople were given the rights to vote alongside bishops in any final document. 

Many progressives called for the inclusion of more women to decision-making roles in the Church. They further said that women should become deacons to have power to speak in church governance.

This week, Pope Francis expressed hope over the possibility of Catholic priests providing blessings to same-sex unions.

Women’s rights

Over the years, women complained that they were treated as second class citizens in the Catholic Church. The women said that they did the exact same work as their male counterparts but they were barred from the priesthood and highest ranks of power in the Catholic Church.

Will the Catholic Church open doors to women?

About WR News Writer

WR News Writer is an engineer turned professionally trained writer who has a strong voice in her writing. She speaks on issues of migrant workers, human rights, and more.

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