Migrant workers

Chicago Issues Emergency Declaration As Migrant Inflow Exceeds Its Ability To Control

The third largest city in the US has issued an emergency declaration in response to the migrant inflow overpowering its…

May 10, 2023

Bibby Stockholm: Massive Barge Set To Fit In 500 Asylum Seekers Reaches UK

A huge barge set to house 500 asylum seekers has been towed from its former berth in Italy to Cornwall's…

May 9, 2023

Are Russian Military Recruiters ‘Targeting Mosques And Immigration Centres’ To Hit Target?

The UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) has revealed certain shocking insights on the Russian army recruitment campaign in its latest…

May 8, 2023

US Rejects Asylum Applications of Refugees Who Entered Illegally Through Mexico

Alejandro Mayorkas, the Secretary of Homeland Security for the United States, announced on Friday that beginning May 11, 2023, the…

May 6, 2023

Illinois Lawmakers Voice Concern Over Rising Costs To Care For Immigrants

In recent news, some Republican lawmakers have voiced concerns over the rising costs of providing food, healthcare and other essential…

May 6, 2023

NGOs, Rights Groups Condemn Migrants’ ‘Mass Expulsions’ From Croatia

Since the end of March this year, hundreds of migrants and refugees have been sent back to Bosnia and Herzegovina…

May 5, 2023

South Korea’s Crackdown On ‘Illegal Stay’ Sees 13,000 Foreigners Leave In Two Months

Under a special crackdown on foreigners staying or working illegally in the country since last October after a brief pause…

May 3, 2023

Last week, 484 illegal immigrants were saved in Libya by IOM

According to the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), 484 migrants, including women and children, were saved and sent back to…

May 2, 2023

CM Sawant Said, Max Crimes in Goa Are Committed By Migrant

Goa is one of India's most popular tourist spots because of its sandy beaches and lively nightlife. But the state…

May 1, 2023

88 Migrants Apprehended At Border Near San Ysidro Port of Entry

In a recent video, border patrol officers are seen rounding up numerous migrants early on Friday morning close to the…

April 29, 2023

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